Thursday, December 06, 2007


Question: Allan, do you walk on water?

Answer: No, I just trade stocks.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm...something's wrong with your site. I can't see anything past that big head of yours.

A said...

Dear anonymous,

I shall, just for you, temporarily suspend my practice of not answering anonymous questions.

There is nothing wrong with my site. My photo is the same size it has always been. May I suggest you go back to Sunday's post about a Major Buy Signal and the 22 or so stock recommendations that came soon thereafter and see if that analysis clears up whatever problems you seem to be having with me or my site.

Best personal regards,


Anonymous said...


I'll bet most if not all of your readers who are actually lucky enough to trade based on your picks, couldn't care less if your head size was growing since your picks seem to help our accts grow also.

Can we assume that the lack of picks today means no more bullishness?


A said...


Still bullish, my best ideas are already posted, but no doubt there will be more picks in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

Allan can't walk on water but he sure can swim..Allan it's Yossi from Camp Ben Shalahalem, we were camp mates many years ago. I love your blogg.
