I received this email from Robert Taylor over the weekend. He is looking for marketing help. I am no expert here, but maybe one of you is, or know someone who is. In any case, Bob gave me permission to go public with his dilemma, so lets see what surfaces that might help him spread his word. As I have written here, I am impressed with his published market timing forecasts, or I wouldn't be doing this.
I am impressed by the number of individuals who obviously were interested in what you had to say in your blog site about my book and forecasts. These individuals subsequently placed orders to buy Paradigm from my website. Thank you for your efforts.
I am perplexed though. I have spent the last eighteen years in aerospace system identifications research and one other scientific project. The one you already know about, and the other project is in the science of nuclear electron power generation.
The problem is I simply don't comprehend how to use the power of the internet as for a promotional method in selling products. The product I am talking about is my book Paradigm.
I have wanted for years to bring to the public my concepts about the predictability of financial markets, and did so in Paradigm, but the larger concept, and just as interesting as gravitational fluctuations and financial markets, was to apply this logic to other sciences such as geo-physics, medicine, psychology, personal fitness, criminal behavior, weather patterns and many other human behavior fields where I found the same correlation as I found with financial markets.
In my book Paradigm my goal was to publish my discovery "The Taylor Effect" essay in order to fulfill my obligations to be eligible for the Nobel Prize nomination, and in addition bring attention and a logical conclusion which is to use gravitational fluctuations as a model for understanding human behavior.
Simply put, I wanted to open the path for other specialist in many scientific fields to have available the ability to correlate gravitational fluctuations with each scientist's historical data, which should enable these scientists the ability to use my discovery to forecasts future events in their respective fields.
My question is, do you know of anyone who could help me reach massive amounts of individuals over the internet who might be interested in purchasing my book. I had originally thought of selling the forecasts subscriptions for profit, but if I can sell enough books to help offset my 18 year research project, I would just simply give the forecasts away for free from now on. You know one of my goals is to teach as many people as possible how to profit in the market without the need for assistance from large brokerage firms.
Let me know your thoughts. Again, thanks for your kind words and help.
Best regards,
Look at this
I would suggest that you take a look at the website:
It is very marketing oriented! easy to read and the navigation is simple. plus one gets a glimpse of the book from inside as well as outside!
Suggest, that use of internet advertsing ex. google's adsense be used. keywords are the drivers.
Advertise via email. perhaps a commercial in free emails of Allan's I buys.
Just a few thoughts.
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