Saturday, November 03, 2007

Louis Navellier

Louis Navellier is one of my services, actually, two of them, Emerging Growth which is a monthly service and Quantum Growth, which is a weekly service. For today's lesson, all statistics are derived from the monthly service, Emerging Growth.

The newsletter is published once a month, on Fridays, after regular trading hours, but usually while after-hours trading is still open. Each monthly issue provides several "new buys" for subscribers.

The average stock price pop for these new buys from Friday's closing price to Monday's opening price is +3.61%

The average stock price gain for these new buys from Monday's opening price to Monday's High price of the day, is +2.81%

Since Labor day weekend, the S&P 500 is down 0.86%

Since Labor day weekend, the average gain for the new buys provided in the September and October newsletters, is +11.41%.

In these two newsletters, there were a total of 15 new buys. Of 15 new buys, 10 are profitable and 5 show losses. Again, if you bought all fifteen in equal amounts your net gain since Labor day is +11.41%.

Finally, Navellier has a new book out, "The Little Book That Makes You Rich: A Proven Market-Beating Formula for Growth Investing," in which he describes in the simplest of terms how he picks these stocks.

Someday maybe I'll write a book about how I trade these services for fun and profit. But right now, I'm having too much fun taking these services to the bank.



Anonymous said...

May I suggest a name for your forthcoming tome:

"Allan Pincus Harris...

From Detroit to Dollars
From Suffolk to South Carolina
From Kiawah to Kapitalism

... The making of an American Trading Hero."

Sound good?

Go Stanford Football!

Anonymous said...

Allan,thanks for sharing the info.I have been trying to get a list of the subscription rates of the newsletters without any luck. Am I correct that the higher the subscription rate,the better the "pop"?

A said...

Ron, quite the opposite is true, the lower the subscription price, the more subscribers and thus, the higher the pop. But not all services are created equal. The worth of my system is in the selective inclusion of services. Of given away some in this Blog over the past three years, but not most.


Anonymous said...

Allan,do you evaluate the strength of the overall market when placing these short term trades?

A said...

Ron: Always. but it only effects the size of my trade, not whether or not to take it. Basically, if you have a system that works, you take all trades. Period.


Anonymous said...

Hi Allan,
I see Navellier´s emerging and quantum growth are expensive services. $950 and $5000/yr. And you say the cheaper services give better stock price pop. His cheapest service is blue chip growth at $149/yr. Any comments on that one?
Blue chip sounds a bit like big elephants... a little hard to move.
Great blogg