Thursday, June 01, 2006


Meant to post this earlier, when VLNC was still under $2.00, but stuff happened. Better late then never.


VLNC Valence Tech: Alternative Energy Investing Commentary (1.99

General Electric Co., the world's second-biggest company by market value, said its finance unit will provide credit to customers purchasing Segway Inc.'s Human Transporter scooters. Segway represents +50% of VLNC sales. The credit program will begin June 1, 2006 and is expected to further accelerate Segway's sales in the coming months. Segway's scooters are battery-operated, two-wheeled vehicles designed to operate where people walk. More than 125 law enforcement agencies use Segway HT models, the company said. Segway has attributed their +50% growth rate to their decision to switch batteries reducing the weight and charge-time necessary while dramatically increasing run-time. In the past year, Segway switched from NiCAD batteries which required 8-hours of charge-time and provided only 4-hours of runtime to Valence Saphion lithium-ion batteries which require 4-hours of charge-time and provide 8-hours of runtime weighing half as much. VLNC earnings call is scheduled for June 13th 2006. AEI is expecting the company to continue to improve on its financial metrics and gain exposure among institutional investors as the company's newly retained PR firm spreads the word. AEI is also expecting more news from the company on development programs including receiving development contracts expected to be handed out by the US Advanced Battery Consortia this fall. AEI also expects that VLNC stock will move up as the company announces new commercial relationships including European and Asian customers including additional motive power applications and plug-in HEVs.


Anonymous said...

is there anyway I can set up an RSS feed to your blog?

I'm following you on this, but I put a limit order in...I hope it gets filled.


A said...

Here's a link to some impressive insider buying of VLNC:

Anonymous said...

I was just checking that, and it is impressive.


Anonymous said...

I"m in at 2.08.


Anonymous said...

Not to rain on the parade, but he bought $20m in the beg. of last year, buying every month at a $3 average. They are worth about $14m now.
What is impressive about that?? What am i missing??