Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Inside Straight - March 2, 2005

Stock: MCDT
Insider Buy Posted at SEC Analytics: 11:02am
Price Available at Time of Posting: $3.60
Closing Price: $4.03
Intra-day Return: 12%

Stock: CTLM
Insider Buy Posted at SEC Analytics: 2:15pm
Price Available at Time of Posting: $2.00
Closing Price: $2.15
Intra-day Return: 7.5%


Anonymous said...

How did you post CTLM at 1:45PM when SEC Anal. didn't post until 2:15PM? Isn't there immediate buy pressure or are you able to get the price at posting?

A said...

My Blog time stamps are Pacific Time, the SEC-A time stamps are Eastern Time. Nonetheless, there is a small army of insider traders watching the SEC web site, mostly through one of the commercial services that I listed early on in my Blogs(or just do a Google search to find them all), of which SEC Analytics is just one of many. There is often an immediate pop in these stocks, usually retraced in a few minutes to an hour after posting. One of my trader friends did a study that concluded you can buy these iBuy stocks at the close of the first day and still make money as the stocks make higher highs on days subsequent to the posting.