Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mark Haines

I posted this on my AllanTrend site this morning, it's free to all, but I'm posting it here too, because I am really sad about this and don't completely know why.


Mark Haines

If you are not watching CNBC, you may not have heard, but Mark Haines has passed away at the age of 65.   It is a time like this that our lives are put in perspective for what really matters, that every breath we take is precious and the markets pale in comparison to the gift of life and the gifts that come our way in a lifetime: Children, lovers, friends, relatives and even so called strangers, like Mark Haines, that are taken for granted, until the day they disappear, suddenly, unexpectedly, sadly and irrevocably.
If it is possible to have a friend who we have never met, Mark Haines was one for me.  I will miss him.


Anonymous said...

Everything that is lost from our past makes us feel older and more alien in a present that is ever changing and accelerating away from our time.

Two things happen as we age, our perception of our surroundings slows down while the reality of society accelerates away from what we knew. Put the two together, and suddenly you don't belong here anymore.

I's all good. I remember when I was very young and my ancient relatives wore white gloves up to their elbows and dead things on their shoulders. Times change, but human nature does not.

Despite all the horrors that confront us, I wouldn't have the nerve to go back and become the person I used to be, to believe the lies I used to take for truth, or to think the future was a linear progression of the past.

I welcome what is to come. There is no going back. Even if it is bad (and it will be ultra bad for a time due to the scale of things), it is necessary for a new beginning. In that new beginning, what we thought, listened to, or believed is discounted by our successors. That's the price of leaving the next generation with our problems, they may throw out the baby with the bath water. But that is always their perogative, even when times are not as extreme as they are today.

Unlike my fellows, I feel privileged to have lived in the dark times of the cold war, the heady days of the 90's, the bubbles of the 2000's and the utter destruction that is to come. It was like someone could live through the 1000 years of Rome in a single lifetime. After so much pomp, I think people my age should embrace the bad times and realize that there is a whole lot of good each and every one of us can do. Rather than complain about what was stolen by the central bankers, we could help the next generation understand that this is just a cycle change, and that their lives are not dark and bleak just because they were born at the bottom of a cycle. Cycles are opportunities.

A said...


Anonymous said...

Ahh Allan, we meet again my old friend.

I just wish it were under a more favorable circumstance. Haines came to Greece (Athens) a while ago. But we did not meet.

I trust your trading is going well as is mine. Been heavy long the coffees for about 8 months and am cleaning up on this addictive bean.

Southern Greece

A said...


it is a pleasure to have you back on the blog. So much has transpired since last we spoke. I don't know where to begin. So we shall simply move forward.

A few blogs back I wrote about a sleepy golden storm. That one is back where she belonged all of the time. So goes life, they are here, then gone, then back again. The folly that is the life of a romantic. F.Scott would be proud.

And then there is my new NNVC. Last time I only had this public blog so I posted about NNVC for one and all at the same time. This time, I have a subscription base, so I have just given them the new pick, the company that will now cure about half of every known cancer. I'll share its name here in a few days, once my subscribers have had an opportunity to build their positions. One does have to offer value once the "Open for Business" sign goes up.

As for the unfortunate subject matter at hand, it is now 5 days later and still no cause of death. That omission is beginning to overshadow the sadness of this loss. This story is not over yet.

Which brings us to Greece. There are bills to be paid and bankers to be dealt with. And then those shadowy men behind the bankers. And the those even less visible then the shadows. No matter, I suspect that between them it has all bee sorted out and soon all will be made clear and all questions answered so life can move on.

Vortex Pheonix