In days past I used to wake up and immediately tune to CNBC, to Mark Haines and Erin Burnett, who between them transformed the craft of financial banter with brilliant wit and subtle charm. Now Haines is gone, a much too young and vibrant man's death that touched every viewer deeper then they knew. Burnett is playing musical chairs with the monkey-like program directors at CNN. They will destroy her.
Here we sit, viewers who beg for intelligent observational reporting. Instead, the mediocre, the bad and the ugly: The forever shifting morning crew at CNBC. Someone shoot me. Their inside smirks and unfunny jokes, their pretend journalism, their suits and ties, their hair, their insipid interviews with lying politicians, none of it even rises to the level of a joke. Cramer nauseates me. The real pillars of CNBC's morning are now dead and gone. For me, Muzak and a rolling ticker at the bottom of the screen would be just fine, an improvement, a stunning upgrade of their morning programming.
So who am I to be writing a review of a business I know so little about? Just an average viewer who was spoiled by the inquisitive genius of Haines and the girl-next-door unpretentious candor of Burnett.
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till its gone.
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